Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Additional equipment is represented by a wide assortment of flow conversion simulators, access and control panels, mounting cabinets, mounting kits for heat meters, speed converters, etc.

Models: Remote Control-1, Remote Control-1 Bluetooth, Remote Control-1 Wi-Fi, STP-1, STP-1t, ИПР-4, ИПР-3, ИПР-2, ЩБП-3, ЩБП-4/АП, преобразователь скорости для КМ-5-Б, комплекты монтажных частей для теплосчетчиков КМ-5-1, РМ-5-Т, КМ-5-2, КМ-5-3, КМ-5-4, КМ-5-5, КМ-5-6, КМ-5-7, вставка технологическая для РМ-5-Т.


All TBN e'nergoservis products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant TBN e'nergoservis: electromagnetic heat meters and flow meters, multi-system heat meters, steam and gas flow meters, temperature regulators, pressure sensors, thermal converters
  • Flow meters TBN e'nergoservis
    Flow meters
    RM-5-T, etc.
  • Heat meters and flow meters TBN e'nergoservis
    Heat meters and flow meters
    KM-5 and others
  • Steam and gas flowmeters TBN e'nergoservis
    Steam and gas flowmeters
    RM-5-PG, etc.
  • Flow meters TBN e'nergoservis
    Flow meters
    RM-5-P, etc.
  • Heat meters TBN e'nergoservis
    Heat meters
    KM-5-6I, KM-9, etc.
  • Temperature controllers TBN e'nergoservis
    Temperature controllers
    RT-2, etc.
  • Pressure sensors TBN e'nergoservis
    Pressure sensors
    ID et al .
  • Resistance thermometers TBN e'nergoservis
    Resistance thermometers
    TSP-R, KTSP-R, etc.
  • Adapters TBN e'nergoservis
    ATCHV-2, KM-LON, Modbus, etc.
  • Interface converters TBN e'nergoservis
    Interface converters
    API-5, RS-485/RS-232, etc.
  • Lightning protection devices TBN e'nergoservis
    Lightning protection devices
    GR1V01, GR3V01, etc.
  • Data collection and transmission devices TBN e'nergoservis
    Data collection and transmission devices
    UPD-32, UPD-SD, ST-1, etc.
  • Network Integrators TBN e'nergoservis
    Network Integrators
    ISGz-1/4, IS-1/6, etc.
  • Milk metering units TBN e'nergoservis
    Milk metering units
    for food liquids, etc.
  • Power supplies TBN e'nergoservis
    Power supplies
    BP-3B, BPi-3B, etc.
  • Additional equipment TBN e'nergoservis
    Additional equipment
    IPR-4, STP-1, etc.
  • Shut-off valves TBN e'nergoservis
    Shut-off valves
    zppd 50-150
  • Switches TBN e'nergoservis
    AP-R-485 and others.

About TBN e'nergoservis

TBN energoservice is a scientific and production structure that occupies a leading position in the market of development, production and implementation of new means of accounting and control of liquid media, steam, gas and advanced energy accounting and energy saving technologies.

    A complex problem that includes all the elements of the systems of engineering support of objects, providing a given microclimate, conducting the technological process in industrial buildings.

    Creation of effective forms of accounting and control of energy consumption, implementation of energy-efficient energy-saving measures at housing and communal and public sector facilities.
  • production

    Production of modern high-tech measuring instruments, metrological certification, production of peripheral equipment.

Information Board TBN e'nergoservis

Learn more about our products TBN e'nergoservis.
  • Price list for TBN products завода ТБН энергосервис
    Price list for TBN products


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